DNA Expert Witness

DNA is a nucleic acid that contains genetic instructions of all living organisms. DNA stores information for a long period of time. DNA research has yielded many medical advances; specifically, when DNA is analyzed, physicians are able to understand which hereditary diseases and conditions a patient could suffer from in the future.

Disease Transmissions Expert Witness

Disease transmission occurs when a disease is passed from an infected person to another (previously healthy) person. The bacteria and viruses that cause disease can be transmitted through direct/indirect contact, through air, and through bodily fluids.

Disc Herniation/Bulge Expert Witness

Spinal disc herniation is a medical condition of the spine. A tear in the outer ring of a vertebrae disc results in a bulge of the central portion. The tear in the disc ring also causes inflammatory chemicals to be released (these cause severe pain). This condition is typically treated by chiropractors, general practicioners, or neurosurgeons.

Disability Management Expert Witness

A physician in disability management is responsible for diagnosing and treating a patient’s disability. Since disabilities can be physical or mental, physicians in this field must be knowledgeable in many different forms of medicine so that they can best instruct their patients on how to manage their pain and their lifestyles.

Disability Evaluation Expert Witness

A disability evaluation is an extensive assessment in which a qualified physician examines the patient to determine the type and extent of his disability. Such an examination is vital to legal cases; specifically, if a patient is proven to have a disability because of this assessment, then he will be eligible to receive disability benefits from pertinent laws and codes.

Difficult Airway Management Expert Witness

Patients who have difficulty breathing due to respiratory diseases and conditions, or a closed airway due to asthma or allergy, must be managed by qualified physicians. The most common procedure for airway management is known as intubation; it is an emergency technique in which physicians must place a breathing tube into the patient’s trachea. Drug therapy, asthma inhalers, and other procedures can be prescribed to manage difficult airways.

Diagnostic Imaging Expert Witness

In medicine, diagnostic imaging is the technique of creating visual images of the human body. This allows physicians to diagnose and examine diseases and conditions. Some common forms of imaging include EEGs, MEGs, and EKGs. As the technology continues to improve, so does the accuracy of the images in diagnosing disease. These procedures are vital to medical care.

Dietary Supplements Expert Witness

A dietary supplement is intended to add to a patient’s diet so that they get all of the necessary vitamins, minerals, fiber, fatty acids, and amino acids necessary to maintain total health and well-being. Dietary supplements often come in pill form and are classified as drugs or natural health products.

Dialysis Expert Witness

Dialysis is a medical procedure employed as an artificial replacement for lost kidneys. Specifically, dialysis focuses on removing toxins and waste from a patient whose renal ability is impaired due to disease. The kidneys are essential in maintaining the body’s healthy internal equilibrium of water and minerals.One of AME’s dialysis expert witnesses has written an exclusive medical malpractice article that we have provided, for your interest, below..Dialysis Unit Communication – Real Time or Real Problem Dialysis Unit Communication: At present there are more than 6500 dialysis centers in the Untied States that provide life saving care for patients with end stage renal disease (ESRD) requiring in renal replacement therapy. This often thrice-weekly form of treatment has become commonplace in virtually every major city and suburb in the US. Dialysis care is almost universally provided by Nephrologists (physicians specializing in the diagnosis and treatment of kidney diseases) in close collaboration with a team of health care providers that includes specially trained dialysis nurses technicians, social workers and dieticians. Dialysis care is now considered sufficiently routine that the Nephrologists need not be present during each treatment. Potential Consequences of Dialysis: Potential Consequences of Dialysis: As with any procedure, hemodialysis carrels a small but significant risk of complication including infection, low blood pressure, and bleeding. The risk of choric blood loss is real, even under ideal conditions; however, blood los may also be acute, especially in patients with plastic dialysis catheters that are susceptible to accidental disconnection during or after the dialysis procedure. Standard of Care: Recent evidence suggests that hemodialysis units widely vary in standardizing communication when untoward vents occur in the absence of the Nephrologist. While some units report any unit ward event, others elect not to inform the Nephrologist, potentially causing these events to be unaddressed, thereby increasing the risk of recurrence, complications and even death. Partly as a result to this variability in practice, it is necessary for physician to review the “event threshold” that mandates communication between the Dialysis Unit and Nephrologist in order to prevent or minimize or the risk of dialysis related complications that jeopardize the patients’ well being. It is also clear that the absence of documentation that communication has in fact occurred increases liability in cases of these unfortunate complications. References: (4-6) 4. Di Benedetto A, Pelliccia F, Moretti M, d’Orsi W, Starace F, Scatizzi L, et al. What causes an improved safety climate among the staff of a dialysis unit? Report of an evaluation in a large network. J Nephrol. 5. Spiegel B, Bolus R, Desai AA, Zagar P, Parker T, Moran J, et al. Dialysis practices that distinguish facilities with below- versus above-expected mortality. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol.5(11):2024-33. 6. Harwood L, Ridley J, Lawrence-Murphy JA, White S, Spence-Laschinger HK, Bevan J, et al. Nurses’ perceptions of the impact of a renal nursing professional practice model on nursing outcomes, characteristics of practice environments and empowerment–Part II. CANNT J. 2007;17(2):35-43. About this Expert: The Nephrologist Expert who wrote this article is an Associate Professor of Medicine at Boston University and an attending physician in the Renal Section at Boston Medical Center. His interests include education of medical students and house staff, basic research on the cellular mechanisms of ischemic acute renal failure and the care of patients with both general medical and renal diseases. This Expert is the senior author of numerous publications in the area of the cellular stress response to acute renal ischemia and has been a Principal Investigator for the National Institutes of Health for almost 20 years. He also received several awards for excellence in teaching from medical students, house staff and colleagues at Boston Medical Center. Most recently, he was a finalist for the Metcalf Teaching Award at Boston University for full-time faculty and received the Grant V. Rodkey award from the Massachusetts Medical Society for significant contributions to medical student education and mentoring. This expert has been involved in the care of complex internal medicine and nephrology patients for more than 25 years in both private practice and university hospital settings.

Diagnostic Radiology Expert Witness

In medicine, diagnostic radiology (also known as diagnostic imaging) is the technique of creating visual images of the human body. This allows physicians to diagnose and examine diseases and conditions. Some common forms of radiology are EEGs, MEGs, and EKGs. As the technology continues to improve, so does the accuracy of the images in diagnosing disease. These procedures are vital to medical care.